Supporting the Cemetery
The Onslow Cemetery Company has Registered Charity status (Registration # 11925 9992 RR0001). All donations (cheque, cash) are recognized with a tax receipt.
Donations can be sent to Onslow Cemetery Treasurer, c/o Nancy Pitts 65 William Russell Road Hilden NS B0N 1C0. For inquiries you can also reach Nancy by filling out the form.
General Inquiries
Volunteering - Upkeep of Cemetery
Much of the work to maintain the cemetery is done by volunteers from the Board and the community, including the Annual Work Day in early May. The Annual Work Day is usually the first Saturday in May. Volunteers made up of trustees, lot holders, and other supporters of the cemetery meet at 9:00 am, and rake up leaves, fill in sunken spots and generally make sure the cemetery is ready for the season. All are welcome! If you have questions, contact
The Board does incur annual costs for mowing, road maintenance, materials for infilling, as well as communication with members. These costs typically are in the vicinity of $10,000.
Since the 1980’s, monies from each lot sale are invested in a Perpetual Care account and the annual interest used to cover a modest part of the maintenance costs. However, this does not totally cover the annual expenditures to mow the grounds, maintain the road, and infill grave sites as needed. The Board greatly appreciates the support of donors, whose charitable donations help with the annual costs of upkeep.
Another component key to the upkeep of the Onslow Cemetery is the volunteers who show up for the Annual Work Day (early May) and those who volunteer their time and efforts to serve as members of the Board. The Board is always looking for new volunteers. Please let us know if you have an interest by using the General Inquiries form above!